
Lockheed L-1011 TriStar

How do I join?

Join anytime during the school year! The easiest way to join the branch is by getting involved with one of our technical projects - just send one of our project managers an email to confirm the time and location of their next meeting and to let them know you're coming.  If you do not wish to join a project, but would still like to join the AIAA, simply attend our meetings to be considered a member! Due to the ongoing pandemic, there will not be local branch dues this year. For a national AIAA membership, visit the AIAA site to learn more about the benefits of membership.

What are the benefits of student membership?

What are the benefits of AIAA national student membership?

Learn more about the benefits here.

I am not an aerospace major, but can I still join?

Definitely! We welcome members of every major who have an interest in aviation or space travel.

For your information, careers in aerospace are not limited to aerospace engineers. For example, NASA employs astronomers, business managers, biologists, doctors, software & hardware engineers, test pilots, physicists, publicists, and people of many other professions needed to carry out their missions.

What events does AIAA host?

We host everything from professional guest speakers, tours of industry facilities, career sessions with recruiters, and assorted engineering projects. For details of upcoming events, check out the calendar.

I want to start my own aerospace project. Will you provide support?

Absolutely! We are more than willing to lend a helping hand to all self-starters. Whether it is your own project or one of AIAA’s numerous student competitions, tell us your ideas, and together we’ll get things started. Contact us through our email.

Does this require a lot of commitment?

As with all things, it depends on how much you want to do. Many of us have spent countless hours on past projects, but we also offer activities for members who simply enjoy attending our general meetings and events.

Are you guys the most awesome people in the world?

Of course we are.